On Monday, July 25 the YMCA kids used clay to make animals, foot prints and building from Boonville. The kids drew their object on paper, then made their object out of clay. The kids then got to choose where they wanted their piece of clay to go when it got done. Another day Charles will put the clay in a fire to make the clay hard. The YMCA kids & volunteers had another wonderful time with Holly.
Day Summary by Abby Pannell.THANK YOU ABBY!! On Monday, July 25 the YMCA kids used clay to make animals, foot prints and building from Boonville. The kids drew their object on paper, then made their object out of clay. The kids then got to choose where they wanted their piece of clay to go when it got done. Another day Charles will put the clay in a fire to make the clay hard. The YMCA kids & volunteers had another wonderful time with Holly.
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Here is a great synopsis of our day written by Dalton Pannell. THANK YOU DALTON!
On Monday July 18, the YMCA kids got to be imitative and creative. The kids used old game pieces, small chunks of wood, nails, pipe cleaners, and yarn to make pictures. Some kids made a party scene, tow truck and abstract pieces. Most kids enjoyed this project while others preferred using pencils and paper. The YMCA kids had another splendid time with Holly and volunteers. Holly's addition This was a fun day because we took time to take pictures and get the stories for every single kids art work. They are each so fun! Unfortunately I don't have time and patience to share all that right now...Id you are a parent and want to see your kids pic and story email me and I will send it to you. Meanwhile, here are just a few pics. Eighteen people showed up at CCBC tonight. We looked at the working sketch for the mural drawn by Charles Stegner, and started playing with all sorts of materials for our project.I brought my traveling suitcase of materials you might find in my studio. It is full of baggies with labels as to recyclable or not. The idea is to play around with the materials using a piece of fabric for the blank canvas not worrying about how to put them together. Ideas for trees, sun, snakes, cattails, flowers, fire, bird, bird nest, horse and a boat came up.. Here are some pics from the night. Sorry can't figure out how to rotate.
Today we took a closer look at Wetlands by examining the Bucky Beaver Enviroscape, (borrowed form City of Johnson County Stormwater) and exploring the wetlands behind the YMCA with the nets and magnifiers from the awesome Missouri Department of Conservation Wetland trunk. We also played with puppets and looked at posters from the same trunk. The older kids started weighing and sorting the trash we have found and made posters remembering all the things we have discovered in our habitat over the past few weeks.
The wetlands behind the YMCA are filled with cattails. The kids learned how cattails help the wetlands. Some kids practiced braiding the reeds and wanted to learned how to cook them. The nets in the shallow water mostly pulled up tadpoles and water striders. The most interesting piece of trash was a cassette with a jewel weed plant growing out of it. Thank you to all my volunteers, Charles Stegner, Vicki McCarroll, Jessica Grathwohl, Dalton Pannell and special thanks to Abby Pannell for helping write this article. |
AuthorHolly Hughes' art features projects that are Environmental Art Happenings (E.ART.H) designed to inspire creativity and increase global compassion. She creates by recycling and reusing materials in unique ways, community collaboration, environmental awareness, edible art sculptures, easy to make labyrinths, murals, nature hearts, and more. Archives
August 2016
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